Display Signs

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Flat Cut Letters

Flat cut letter signage is an effective way of making your business or organisation visible. The sheer variety of sizes and materials make flat cut letters ideal for external and interior signs as well as for displays and exhibitions.

Display Signs offers an extensive range of profile cut flat lettering, logos and shaped panels. With our 3000 x 2000mm Texel CNC Router system we can accurately reproduce lettering and logos tailored to your requirements.

Variety of materials
The materials we use for flat cut letters include Perspex and acrylic, foam PVC, Di bond, mirror and brushed composites.

Perspex and acrylic letters with fixing locators are perfect for shop fascia signs, external signs on brickwork and logos and lettering for interior walls.

Foam PVC letters are available in a variety of thicknesses and suit interior displays and exhibitions. They can be produced in different colours although we recommend applying a vinyl film to the face, leaving the return white, which has more impact. Most foam PVC letters and logos can be fitted using good double-sided adhesive tape.

Di bond letters along with mirror and brushed composite letters make attractive interior signs and logos. They can be fitted with fixing locators or double-sided adhesive tape.

Installing Your Flat Cut Letters

If you order locators, your letters will be supplied with the male part of the fixing glued to the back of the letters, a pack of female parts and a paper layout drawing.

First, position your drawing to the shop fascia or wall and secure with adhesive tape, (masking tape is usually the best). Then carefully drill holes exactly where the xs are marked on the layout drawing.

Next, remove the drawing and screw the female parts onto the wall, leave a little bit loose to allow for drilling error. Finally align the letters to the cups and push the letters firmly into position (where there are two similar letters in the wording, they will be numbered 1-2 etc.) then stand back and admire your work!

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